Gambling addiction linked to increased risk of long-term sick leave

As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there is evidence suggesting a connection between gambling addiction and various negative consequences, including financial problems, relationship difficulties, and mental health issues. However, the specific link to increased risk of long-term sick leave might not be universally established or well-documented in all studies.

Gambling addiction, also known as gambling disorder, is recognized as a behavioral addiction by mental health professionals. It can have significant impacts on an individual’s life, affecting not only their financial well-being but also their physical and mental health.

People with gambling addiction may experience high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, which can contribute to health problems and potentially result in the need for sick leave from work. Additionally, individuals with gambling disorders may engage in behaviors such as excessive gambling, which can lead to neglect of responsibilities, including work obligations.

It’s important to note that research in the field of addiction and its consequences is ongoing, and new findings may emerge. If there have been developments in this area since my last update, I recommend checking more recent sources or consulting with mental health professionals and researchers for the latest information.

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